A great victory has been won, but the war is far from over.
The Boy-King now needs his bride...and his heir.
Only the young officers of the Watch can stop him. But they have their own battles to face and their own demons to fight. And those inner demons are not proving so easy to control as they are lured to the blood-soaked moors of Culloden for the final confrontation.
The dead are rising. A new darkness is fast approaching. Victory is close...but will the hands of Martin and Sean be too bloodied for them to grasp it?
The conclusion of the critically-acclaimed Watchers series!
Praise for the Watchers Trilogy!
"...horrifying Highland vampires from the bloodline of the diabolical Stuarts. This first novel...offers excitement that never slackens." — Margaret L. Carter, author of the Eppie Award-winning vampire novel DARK CHANGELING
"...superb story. Thoroughly enjoyable from the first word to the last. William Meikle has a wonderfully unique style..." — The Eternal Night Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
"Breathtaking, Scary and Original. A must read. An impressive blend of horror, history and imagination." — Dave Dreher, Horror News Network
"I was captivated from the very first scene...Very well written." — Patricia Altner, author of Vampire Readings: An Annotated Bibliography
"I'm always impressed when anyone can add a new twist to the venerable vampire canon. Hugely enjoyable fun to read." — Joe Gordon, The Alien Online
"It is refreshing to read a story where the triumph of good over evil is far from definite..." — The Eternal Night Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror
"Meikle blends reality and fantasy so well that the reader believes that it could have happened." — Kelly Rothenberg, author of Hitler in Progress
"Meikle...can grace the page with words of beauty whilst twisting a nightmare into grotesque shapes before your eyes." — Len Maynard and Mick Sims, author of The Secret Geography of Nightare and Incantations