From the cohost of the popular podcast New World Witchery, more than twenty diverse traditions from New England to the West Coast.
Drawing on the expertise of twenty-four renowned practitioners, this book features contemporary folk traditions from all over North America. Diverse as the landscapes they thrive on, these authentic practices will expand your worldview and inspire you to enrich your own spirituality. Explore the history, tools, and spiritual beliefs of many different paths of folk magic from Mexico, the United States, and Canada. You'll tour the continent's rich and varied cultures region by region, taking an insider's look at more than twenty traditions, including:
Contributors include:
Stephanie Rose Bird
"Rich, engaging, and incredibly diverse, this book gives us irreplaceable and enlightening glimpses into every folk magic you can imagine from the South to the North and all the way out West. A must-have book for any folk practitioner." —Frankie Castanea, AKA Chaotic Witch Aunt, author of Spells for Change